Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Things are looking up

I have sucessfully grown my thick skin, hurrah! Rejections, I laugh at you! I also have a warm fuzzy glow knowing that out there, there are real live agents reading my work. More than one! How cool is that? I haven't posted much as I've been doing rewrites, and have even managed to write more of book two after weeks of "I hate you book two! You'll never see the light of day book two! No one loves book one, so no one's EVER going to love you!" Way harsh, I know. But don't worry, I love book two again. I am nearly 24,000 words into a 60,000 word manuscript, so will have a sizable chunk for agents/editors if they want it.

I can't read Oryx & Crake. I don't think I can read Children of Men either. Green Angel is pissing me off. And I think I'm the only person in the world who doesn't want to crown Scott Westerfeld king of bloody everything. It's probably my current mood (highly frigging strung!!).

I LOVED Life As We Knew It and will have a review up shortly, but I'm too strung out to write that now as well. I think it's time for a reread of an old favourite. Seeing as I'm falling behind in my dystopia challenge it will have to be Obernewtyn. I love Obernewtyn, and Rushton was one of my favourite book-boys when I was younger. Until he went mad.


  1. What happened with Oryx and Crake and Children of Men?

  2. It's my short attention span right now--I don't think I can deal with books for grown-ups! I'm sure I'll get to them at a later date.

  3. That makes sense! I'm fumbling through We right now, but I'm reading a Heinlein novel during my meal times, as a break.

  4. We! I should add that one to my list, it sounds pretty cool.

  5. It's a classic, but I'm finding that is has more heart to it than 1984, etc, seemed to have.

  6. I can't read Oryx & Crake either, but I liked Children of Men.
